Wednesday 23 May 2012

 Year: 2008
The Asylum

Written by: Erik Estenberg
                  David Michael Latt
Directed by: Erik Estenberg
  • Yoshi Ando - Environmental Minister
  • Sarah Lieving- Sarah Lynch
  • Shinichiro Shimizu - Shinichiro
  • Erin Sullivan - Erin Lynch  

The Asylum definitely aren't known for producing any material that is worth a shit. This is no different. The Asylum, for those of you who don't know, are a production/distribution company that began putting out TV and DTV Movies. However, the company soon realised they could make a lot more money by essentially making ripoffs of the Movies that are popular at the time in a vain attempt to trick you into buying them, minus the budget of course. In this case the film is Monster, and what other monster movie was popular in 2008? You guessed it. Cloverfield.

I should have known better than venturing in an Asylum movie, when the film it's based off wasn't amazing to begin with. Don't get me wrong, Cloverfield is good for what it is, but it's been done many times before. "Monster" is a "found-footage" type deal. It follows the story of two sisters, both in the journalism trade. They go to Tokyo, Japan to report on environmental problems that the country is facing. However, no sooner than they have arrived a huge tremor occurs. They soon learn a huge monster is attacking Japan. The monster, you only see about three times in the movie and all that is shown is giant tentacles flailing about. No Godzilla is he. They meet various people along their way including a group of reporters, somebody from the American Embassy, a chef and her family.

This wouldn't have been such a BAD film if something actually happened. The two sisters literally spend the whole film walking, stopping to talk and then walking some more. It doesn't help that the monster is barely visible when on screen. I found myself getting more and more frustrated with the two sisters who are documenting this event. They never dropped the camera and when it was in use the camera was being shaken around so much I felt like having a seizure. I also find it funny how the footage only distorts once an earthquake begins, yet when they are arguing with one another and trying to pull the camera out of each others grasp the image is fine. As I said this film could have been shit (instead of Godawful) if they had actually done something, but no, we are left with another sorry excuse for an Asylum release. One of the longest seventy minutes I've ever had to endure. Shame on you!

Obscure Video gives this: 2/10

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