Friday 25 May 2012

Year: 2006
 Dimension Extreme

Written by: Simon Boyes, Adam Mason
Directed by: Simon Boyes, Adam Mason


Nadja Brand as Hope
Eric Colvin as The Man
Abbey Stirling as Holly

As I glanced upon the DVD shelves today I wondered what film I would decide to watch, I stumbled across "Broken" a film from reading the synopsis seemed to be like 2010's "Buried" a film I personally loved. Fuck no. I was yet again LET DOWN!

Broken begins with a woman waking up in a coffin, has she been buried alive? Who knows? Who cares? I know I don't. She soon breaks free with little effort and finds herself alone in the woods. She starts to run. Not long after, she is beaten down by a man in a fedora hat (Colvin) and wakes up to find herself tied to a tree trunk by the neck. She has a stomach wound that has been sewn up. She is also balanced on top of a pile of chopped wood that is very unstable and about to give way. The man now approaches and hands the young woman a sharpened stick in which she must use to tear open her stitches and fish around for a blade secured inside of her. She eventually finds the blade and begins to cut away at the rope around her neck, once free she decides she is in too much agony to continue with the man's sick games and uses his gun to kill herself. This scene is now repeated with a woman in search of her daughter, but she doesn't kill herself and decides to continue.

At roughly the forty minute mark I decided I'd had enough of the film. I just was completely bored with it and wanted to spend my time doing something more constructive....write a review for it. Go figure. The problem with the film is, once again, it is relentlessly dire. The setting is very bland, but for the budget they had, they made some pretty impressive gore scenes. The two leads, The Man and Hope, cannot act for shit and it just makes it unwatchable. I especially found Hopes reaction to the realisation of her daughters kidnap hilarious. I have seen more convincing acting from a cabbage. Will I try to watch the rest of this film again?....Probably not. I'm glad I'm just borrowing this film from somebody, the sooner this film leaves the shelf, the better! "Torture-Porn films" (as the sub-genre is becoming known as) just aren't for me.

Obscure Video gives this: 1/10, the "1" is for the gore effects only. Avoid at all costs.

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